Isaac newton timelines
Isaac newton timelines

isaac newton timelines

Some of Isaac’s experiments didn’t work out. He spent his days reading, calculating, and setting up experiments.


He finally had an excuse to spend all his time alone in his studies, and he took full advantage. An outbreak of bubonic plague was sweeping England, and he felt it was best to isolate himself. His books, his quill pen, and the shadows creeping across the walls seemed to be the only company he needed as he delved into these subjects in a search for truth.Īfter graduating from Cambridge, Isaac returned home for two years. There he could let his mind play– with the ideas of the ancient philosophers, the observations of famous astronomers, and complicated mathematical formulae. He mostly ignored his fellow students, even his roommate, and spent most of his time alone in his room. When he had learned all he could at the local school, he headed off to Cambridge University. Isaac flourished in school, where he studied Latin, Greek, and mathematics. Seeing how poorly Isaac performed as a farmhand, his mother eventually took their advice and sent her son back to school. Fortunately, Isaac’s uncle and his teacher both saw what a brilliant intellect he possessed. Isaac hated farm work–it kept him from exploring the many big questions about the world that flooded his head. His mother, however, didn’t see much value in education, and after sending him to school briefly, pulled him out and tried to get him to help with the farm work. He wanted to know how the world worked and found all kinds of questions to occupy his mind. Isaac’s mind was so bright and active that he needed little else to hold his interest in the quiet hamlet where he lived. Isaac never liked his stepfather and lived with his grandparents for much of his early childhood. Isaac’s mother remarried to a well-off minister when he was two years old. While little Isaac would live to be 84 years old, his father died three months before he was born. Born prematurely to a poor family, no one expected the sickly infant to survive, but he did! Unfortunately, his father wasn’t so lucky. Isaac Newton’s story begins on a sheep farm surrounded by apple orchards in rural England on Christmas day in 1642. The person who discovered what makes a rainbow was born into a rather dull world. His discoveries paved the way for the modern fields of physics, astronomy, and math. It would take a mind nearly as bright as the sun to solve that and many other mysteries of how nature works.

isaac newton timelines

Some people were curious enough to ask why, but until the 1600s, no one did much more than make thoughtful guesses. But in the past, people didn’t know how these beautiful arcs of color formed in the sky. Have you ever wondered what makes a rainbow? This is a question that many children wonder about, and now, most parents have a ready answer (though some might encourage you to guess anyways!).

Isaac newton timelines